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Fashion Design Student Olivia Sendra Appears on Real Housewives of Dallas

Fashion Design Student Olivia Sendra Appears on Real Housewives of Dallas

Dallas, Texas native Olivia Sendra recently moved to Los Angeles to begin her career at FIDM as a Fashion Design major. As the daughter of new Real Housewives of Dallas cast member Kary Brittingham, Olivia is already known to legions of fans as an aspiring fashion designer (she made the jacket above from a pair of jeans found at Goodwill) who created her own prom dress, as seen on the popular television series.

When did you first show an interest in fashion design? I have always been interested in fashion and very expressive with how I dress, but never considered going to school to pursue it as a career until my junior year of high school.

How did you hear about FIDM? What were your impressions when you visited the LA campus last year? I heard about FIDM through an ad when I was looking up fashion design schools, and when I visited shortly after, I loved it! The displays shown throughout the campus motivate me and remind me of all the career opportunities that FIDM offers.

You worked at a bridal shop while in high school. What was that experience like? It was a great learning experience; I recommend anyone considering fashion design school to do an internship or have a job in the field first. I got to practice with industrial machines, which we use at FIDM, and was able to be introduced to the industry and educated about the good and the bad of what a career in fashion design might mean. I also got to design and make my own prom dress during my time there, and having guidance really helped with that process because I was fairly new to sewing with that machine at the time.

Tell us about starting and serving as president of a FIDM Fashion Club. Being the FIDM Fashion Club president at my school was great because I was able to meet with other people who were interested in the same things as me and do fun activities while earning a scholarship.

Now that you're a Fashion Design Student at FIDM, what is the experience like? Being a student is a lot of hard work, especially in the major that I chose. Fashion Design classes are so much fun; I love sketching and color and design theory because that’s where I can use my creativity. My favorite experience has been making friends in each class and being able to talk about things that we are all interested in.

Your mom is now part of Real Housewives of Dallas. How do you feel about the opportunities and attention that come with being part of reality TV? I think overall the show’s pros outweigh the cons. I was very hesitant to participate in the show because I did not want my mom or the show to bring me opportunities that I knew I could get on my own. Once I came to the realization that exposure in any way is helpful, especially in this industry, I did my best to draw attention to my fashion interests and not my personal life.

I got some criticism for my [prom] dress from people who I don’t even know, but I ignored it because I was proud of how it turned out. It was, after all, the first dress I’ve ever made. After this experience with the first season, I definitely learned a lot about what should be said in private, because things you say and how you act can be turned around very quickly.

What are your ultimate career goals post-FIDM? I want as much experience as I can get because I believe the more you are exposed to the more you learn and grow. The goal would be to intern with a company that ventures out into streetwear, which is my main interest, like adidas, I AM GIA, and the ultimate goal is working with OFF WHITE or doing my own collection or collaboration.

Keep up with Olivia on Instagram @oliviasendra.

Categories:  Fashion Design Student